Cold Skin and The ‘Burbs

It's our Patreon member Amanda's pick this week and boy did she pick a great one! We're happy to revisit…...

It's our Patreon member Amanda's pick this week and boy did she pick a great one! We're happy to revisit Joe Dante's 1989 dark comedy The 'Burbs! Also, Kelley reviews Cold Skin for Straight-to-Video Russian Roulette. 

When you're finished listening to the episode, drop by our Patreon page to listed to Amy, Freddy and Mikey B review Happy Death Day 2U!

Our Beelzebub members are Tree & Alex McNulty, Mandi Arthur, Brandon Boone, Bill Fahrner, Blake Heath, Mark Watts, Cassie & Jeremy Burmeister, Alise Wallis, Amanda James, Ernest Perez, Deon Buys and Jim Bolding. This podcast is only possible because of their and our other members’ generous support. You can join them and enjoy all of our exclusive content at http://www.patreon.com/notlp

“Monster Movies (with My Friends)” was written and performed by Kelley Kombrinck. It was recorded and mixed by Freddy Morris.





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